BGL 101 is amazing, life changing and something everyone should do! I have always struggled to believe in myself and my abilities. Now, I don’t have as much negative chatter from my mind and when I do I can deal with it, it’s no longer being a barrier to my success and happiness.
The full story:
I was scrolling through Facebook one day and Andrea’s page came up, so I went to the website and as I read it I was saying “shit that’s me” to pretty much all of it. Andrea’s website ticked a lot of the boxes and what she said really resonated with me.
I felt like a hamster on a wheel and knew something wasn’t quite right. I wanted to feel alive again.
I decided it was time for ME! I’ve been putting everyone else first for quite some time and life just started feeling same old. I have always struggled to believe in myself and my abilities and I look forward to that no longer being a barrier to my success and happiness.
Andrea made me so comfortable on that first phone call and along with her honest blog posts I knew she was someone I could work with. Andrea is honest, real, someone I could relate to, easy to talk to and completely non – judgmental. Those catch ups with Andrea were what made learning and working on mindfulness effective for me.
BGL 101 is amazing, life changing and something everyone should do!
Now, I don’t get stressed out by a long to-do list, I understand my limitations as much as I understand that all I take on adds to the pressure and I need to accept that. I don’t have as much negative chatter from my mind and when I do I can deal with that. I also feel that I am more present in what I am doing throughout the day than I used to be.