I feel like I have just unlocked a huge secret in life and feel so fortunate to have done so with such an awesome group of people! I’m no longer just a ‘fake it till I make it’, I genuinely feel more positive about life . BGL101 (group) gave me a whole new perspective on the world and extended my thinking in a way I had never imagined.
The full story:
Before BGL101 group program I lacked confidence, I was not being present and felt generally out of control.
I was recommended to the program by a really good friend who I really love and respect in a huge amount and she couldn’t stop raving about how awesome Andrea was and how much this has changed her life. I kind of wanted in on it!
I think I can see now why it’s so infectious once you’ve learned a little bit about mindfulness.
You kind of feel like you’ve now got this secret that you can navigate life.
I followed Project Self for a number of months and LOVED all the posts.
I didn’t want to continue my life as it currently was and so thought it about time I got stuck in!
Now, I’m no longer just a ‘fake it till I make it’, I genuinely feel more positive about life; I’m able to ‘catch’ my emotions quicker and am learning to choose my reactions. I don’t spiral into a negative spin in my mind when a low thought comes into my mind…and I GO LESS RED IN MEETINGS – YEAH!!!
There is so much I loved about this course…. I loved the combined pre-work videos, facebook group and weekly calls – it meant you could really structure your week and constantly felt supported.
I loved Andrea’s videos as they were digestible (great to go and grab a cup of mint tea in the middle) so easy to follow, and the resources were very accessible and easy to follow. I loved the way the secret page was laid out – sounds silly, but it wasn’t overwhelming and you got the personal touch with Andrea sharing what we were learning, followed by the science backing it up, and wider reading in the resources.
The feeling I felt during and after this course was incredible that I always want to come back and listen in and be part of it.
The programme was also manageable – it’s great we have lifetime access so we really can keep practising!
The warmth of the group meant that at any point you could ask a question to the Facebook group. It was so useful when you’re caught up in the day-to-day as you can quickly ask a question, or be reminded of the techniques as you dash places!
It was also very valuable to hear everyone else’s interpretations, struggles, questions and I think perhaps of most importance, to build rapport, empathy and humility across us all.
It was so powerful listening to other people’s reflections on their situations and the struggles they were having and what their mind was telling them and you say to yourself like, “Oh my God that’s me. That’s how I feel! But I’ve read your bio and your life’s and what you are achieving is amazing”.
Hearing people speaking so genuinely, openly, and with such honesty about the challenges they were facing, is so refreshing.
BGL101 group program extended my thinking in a way I had never imagined and allowed me to take a whole new perspective on the world;
I feel like I have just unlocked a huge secret in life and feel so fortunate to have done so with such an awesome group of people!
I would definitely recommend BGL101 group program, it has been one of the best decisions I’ve made and has changed my life. I’m so thankful that I came across Bloody Good Life and I’m so excited about all the people I’ve met.. You spend so much money on making yourself feel and look good – when have you ever done that for your mind?
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