This was by far the best value for money course ever. I have seen very clear shifts in my daily thoughts, habits and routines. Thank you Andrea, you have honestly changed my life! Anyone considering doing this course, you must! It is bloody brilliant!!! Run, don’t walk, to the nearest computer and sign up NOW!!
The full story:
I had been feeling very negative all the time, very bored with my life, like I was stuck and wanting to change but unsure of how to move forward.I was finding it hard to appreciate anything and seemed to be angry all the time.
I saw an interview you (Andrea) did with Lydia Lee, who is my business coach. I loved your laid back style, the easy language you used to talk about things and how you are a reformed cynic!
Since doing Andrea’s course, I have a better understanding of my mind and how it is not me.
This was the biggest revelation for me! I now am better aware of my reactions to things, and I have discovered what triggers me. I have made a conscious decision to be more active and grateful everyday. Something I couldn’t seem to do before starting this course. I have also started meditating, something I always wanted to do but just couldn’t “get into” but am really enjoying it!! I also now understand that real change will not happen overnight, and it’s about small changes that you commit to doing everyday and about being much, much kinder to myself.
I loved Andrea’s no nonsense/not hippie/straightforward approach.
The online training videos were very good. I enjoyed and appreciated Andrea’s way of explaining what could be complicated or esoteric concepts. I also liked that there were extra materials in each module in addition to the videos.
The group of awesome humans were brilliant. It was so refreshing to hear others say things that I felt or did, it really made me feel more “normal”. I also thought it was a very supportive group. Those who participated and were active in the FB group always said helpful and encouraging things. I felt very compassionate towards the members that bravely shared their stories and concerns.
I was actually so happy to see that I wasn’t as unique in my thinking as I thought! :)
Andreas support in the facebook group was very, very good. I appreciated that she took the time to answer all questions and offer her thoughts on people’s questions and concerns. She even kept it up as she was travelling!
The module resources Excellent! I found these interesting, relevant and useful. I also liked how these turned me on to new authors, books, websites and experts that I spent time learning more about outside of the course.
This course is incredibly well structured and is scaffolded and pitched at the right level. It’s clear that Andrea knows her stuff, has studied extensively and lives what she teaches. I really related to her and her no-nonsense approach. Everything she said she used to be, I identify with now.
I think if she can change, then so can I! And I already have….which is truly amazing!
This was by far the best value for money programme I have ever signed up for. I have seen very clear shifts in my daily thoughts, habits and routines. I feel hopeful for the first time, that I am able to change myself, take charge of my thoughts, and that real happiness and contentment is achievable. I will, without a doubt, be referring back to the programme content as I continue my journey to mindfulness. Thank you Andrea for sharing your knowledge with us, it has honestly changed my life! I truly loved the course and I think that you (Andrea) are so great!
My advice to anyone and everyone considering doing this course is: