Andrea! I’m so, so glad that I finally dared myself to book that discovery session. You’re really fucking good at what you do! Andrea is an absolute gem. Just lovely! Genuine, intuitive, intelligent, a straight-talker, inspirational, honest, a wise oracle, the type of person that the world needs more of.
The full story:
Andrea! I’m so, so glad that I finally dared myself to book that discovery session. You’re really fucking good at what you do!
I’d been following the Project Self facebook page for a little while and nodding along with the posts. I was a bit in denial I guess about getting what I wanted out of life, and then I had a crisis in my relationship that prompted me to finally get in touch with Andrea.
Andrea has opened the way I think about my emotions and helped to bring me increased inner-peace.
I have changed a lot over the last few months, and a lot of the changes were brought on directly, or inspired by, the Bloody Good Life 101 programme.
I’ve been provided with oodles of resources and techniques to help my relationship with myself, and everyone else. A lot of the frustration that I was associating with my relationship was actually related to other things and there was a shitty cycle of negativity that kept the wheel spinning.
I felt quite unsure of myself when I signed up but am so, so glad that I did. I feel a lot more comfortable in my own skin and feel life is way, way more bloody good. I enjoy my own company a lot more. I’m heaps more patient and find joy in small things.
It’s a cliché that rings absolutely true: the best way to improve any relationship is by improving your relationship with yourself, and Andrea will help heaps with that. My relationship is oodles better! I’ve been a lot more organised and able to get more done without going through hours of self-doubt. That still happens sometimes, but I am better at snapping out of it. Now, I can look at things with a more neutral perspective and feel much better equipped to resolve those issues!
Andrea is an absolute gem. Just lovely! Genuine, intuitive, intelligent, a straight-talker, inspirational, honest, a wise oracle, the type of person that the world needs more of.
Would I recommend BGL101 to others? Heck yes! But only if you’re ready to be really honest and learn heaps about yourself.