Andrea honestly changed the way I live my life on a daily basis. I began taking more risks, seizing each day, and breathing more easily. Andrea is a bloody awesome mindfulness coach who will teach you how to actually live! Every time I was done talking to her I felt like I could conquer the world!
The full story:
I chose to work with Andrea because I was constantly feeling let down, disorganized and indecisive about almost everything in my life. I was scared of taking any risk or facing my fears and I desperately wanted to change this.
Working with Andrea honestly changed the way I live my life on a daily basis. I began taking more risks, seizing each day, and breathing more easily.
When something seemed to stress me out, it was no longer so big of a problem because Andrea taught me how to accept it and then face it head on.
I loved working with Andrea over Skype, it was convenient and the highlight of my day. Every time I was done talking to her I felt like I could conquer the world! I also loved her Bloody Good Life readings which helped reiterate what I learned in my sessions.
Bloody Good Life 101 is transforming and Andrea is a bloody awesome mindfulness coach who will teach you how to actually live!