I was constantly snapping at my partner, blaming him, saying hurtful things to him, then IMMEDIATELY regretting it but not being able to calm myself enough to apologise. Since BGL, I have a sense of calm inside me and it feels amazing. If you’re ready to change your life, do BGL! You’ll never regret it!
The full story:
I was constantly snapping at my partner, blaming him for stuff that wasn’t his fault and saying hurtful things to him, then IMMEDIATELY regretting it but not being able to calm myself down enough to apologise. So I’d just end up in tears. He’d be upset too because I’d just been so awful to him.
I knew that I needed to change, and I knew that I wanted to. I wanted to change the parts of my personality that I didn’t like. I knew that they were most likely behaviours that had been learned from my family environment when I was growing up.
I believed that change was possible.
Once I’d made the decision to make a change, I was lost as to how to go about making the changes. So I started by making a promise to myself to try new things, to be open to any opportunities that came up. I’d been hearing a lot about “wellness”, so I signed up for an e-course at the start of the year. Then Facebook started spamming me with all the other “wellness”-related courses I could take. I did a couple and they were all a little bit too wishy-washy, not enough substance. I declared that I would not sign up to anything else Facebook suggested… until I saw the advert for 6 Days to Decisiveness.
Something about this course just resonated with me. So I signed up.
Since starting the program I have had only 2 days where I’ve been a bit grumpy with my partner for no reason. That’s a massive difference, and the change was almost instant. I’ve been able to recognise when I’m doing it and pull myself out of it.
I have a sense of calm inside me most of the time. It’s hard to explain, but it feels great. My anxiety has reduced (I didn’t even realise before that it was something I struggled with).
I loved the science and the honesty of the course.
My story is that I’m “realistic”, so for it to have a proven impact on the brain was really helpful for me.
The online training videos were very valuable. I also loved to be able to see Andrea speaking – it helped me feel like I was getting to know her, which of course helps with trust to believe the things she is telling me, and opening up to her.
The group of awesome humans I worked with were so great.
The other guys doing the course were so honest and open, it really helped me to do the same. I’ve been much more open in my everyday life, which is a lesson I have learnt from them.
The Facebook Group was very valuable, as was Andrea’s support in the Facebook group. I loved that Andrea always found something to say and a unique way to offer support! Her support and encouragement was invaluable!
The live group coaching calls were extremely valuable.
I was so nervous to start with, but it was a great opportunity to get to know the others and learn that at the end of the day we all have the same problems and questions. It helped me feel like I wasn’t alone. I don’t think I’d have gotten as far as I have without them as they added a little tiny bit of pressure to make sure I tried out the new techniques etc. It was so great!
The workbook was awesome.
It was great to have something that I could sit outside with, leaving the laptop and phone inside, and work away without any distractions. It also gave my eyes a break from the screens.
The module resources for me were so helpful. They were packed full of information and links to other information. I loved everything about them.
The accountability groups are really valuable I think. It has been really nice keeping one another accountable and motivated and there is actually someone that lives in the same city as me, so I think it would be great to meet up with them in a few weeks time.
I have learnt so much from Andrea and the Bloody Good Life program, so much so, that I would recommend everyone in the world take the course.
If you are ready to change your life, sign up now. It’s is absolutely life-changing and enhancing. It is so worth the time and the effort. Do it now!!