This morning I found myself swirling with an unidentifably unpleasant emotion as I spent far too many minutes scrolling through the Instagram feed...
Blog posts on: Friendships
A side to the abortion debate I hadn’t considered
Yesterday I had a very ragey, emotionally charged conversation with a friend who is on the fence about whether making abortion illegal is a...
An insight brought on by a creepy guy
Yesterday Bloody Good Bloke and I were working from a table overlooking the sea (in Thailand!), when a booming American voice behind me said,...
How I Got Bloody Good Bloke to Fancy Me (Eventually)
The day I first met Bloody Good Bloke in real life (in a park), the image of a mysterious, *surely* arrogant tall-dark-and-handsome that I’d built...
What to do about a friendship that is draining you
During last year’s 4 month lockdown I realised there were a couple of friends in my life who I felt really drained by after we caught up. I would...
The video from Bloody Good Bloke that made me cry
A few weeks ago Bloody Good Bloke sent me a video he’d made that made me burst into tears. The video was of his Nona and Dida — his Croatian...
How to have a difficult conversation with your mate
On Sunday I had an accidentally awkward conversation with a friend that ended really weirdly as she dropped me home. I love this friend, but over...
What to do if you struggle to ask for favours
In highschool there was a beautiful girl who I didn’t know well who always seemed to be the star of the show. I felt she was cocky, and I resented...
What to do if you feel guilty when people do nice things for you
Two nights ago Bloody Good Bloke fell asleep early while I was still unpacking our stuff in our new place near Byron Bay. I worked for a few hours...
How long should you take to get over your ex?
This morning Bloody Good Bloke texted me to find out how my catch up with Bloody Good Chap had gone. “I only cried all the way home this time, not...
How to stop yourself from spiralling into a 2 day pass-ag tantrum at your partner
Yesterday Bloody Good Bloke jumped into the driver's seat of my car with very wet, salty togs on. I (mildly) snapped at him. He (mildly) snapped...
An unexpected knock at my door
Last week New Secret Man and I were in the kitchen, cooking and dancing to Dreadlock Holiday (me dancing, NSM cooking) when we heard an unexpected...
Breaking up with friends who drain you (again)
In the past few months I’ve made the challenging decision (again) to break up with a friend or two. At the start of Covid I became really...
What to do when both you and your mate throw your toys out of the cot, and both of you are too stubborn to reconvene
This morning my friend sent me a text that was so passive aggressive that Neville immediately announced "Well fuck him, dismissive prick, we’re done...
How to stop buggering up our friendships with insecurities
I had a friend who I treated very badly because of my insecurity. I’ll call her Jess. I was seethingly envious of Jess. I was certain she wasn’t...
How to handle competition and envy in female friendships
In the last few weeks, a friend of mine has completely shifted the way I think about jealousy and competition. Y'know that subtle jealousy that...
How to make more authentic friendships
A week ago, sitting with a glass of wine in a little cobbled laneway in southern Spain with two women I’d only ever spent a couple of hours with in...
Overzealous conversation-fairness alarms & chatty cathys
Yesterday I hung out with a friend who loves to talk. We hung out, she talked, I listened. Slowly my listening turned to sort-of-listening. Then...
Looking for anything in particular?
If you’ve been thinking of doing the much loved Bloody Good Life program, this is your last chance. BGL will be closing its doors from July this year.
Learn to tame your overthinking mind and get clear on your direction (plus a handful of other benefits you won't expect).
→ Put your name on the Bloody Good Life waitlist here.

How to stop a bad day in its tracks
Download the free bloody good g-book. Because we've all had enough of e-books
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Bad days happen to everyone, but it's important to find your own way to cope. Some people are helped by meditation, others - physical activity, and for some a great way to distract and restore mental balance will be a game at online casinos. The main thing is to choose something that suits you and helps you to return good mood and peace of mind.