I realised that in running around busily putting out all the life-fires lately, I'd stopped making time to do shit I love. Again. Like building! So...
Blog posts on: Making Decisions & Finding Passion
How a cupcake and an epileptic fit flicked me out of the rut
My plans took a bit of a detour via the hospital recently when a friend started to have an absent epileptic fit in the midst of our catch up. I...
Worrying about the future? Lacking direction?
Do you find yourself putting things off, procrastinating? Are you struggling to find motivation? Putting down one task to pick up the next? And then...
Working out what to do with your life?
A few years ago all I knew was that I didn’t want to be doing what I was doing. I was stuck. I couldn’t take action because I didn’t know what my...
Growing up is for Boring people
Today Bloody Good Chap and I ran to a park and ended up running around in some sprinklers, giggling like children. Well, I'll speak for myself....
Bloody Good Chap and I went to a footy game recently. Being at the footy is always such an odd experience, I tend to focus on the 8 million green...
It’s my birthday and I’ll put a shrimp on the barbie if I want to
It’s my birthday and I’ll put a shrimp on the barbie if I want to! It was only 18 months ago that I was nervous having a birthday party because I...
Feeling Meh on a Monday
Today I'm having one of those days where you mope around being unproductive and eating the wrong things and forgetting about all the good stuff...
Why I binge ate two Magnums and a snickers bar
After a 4 month sugar free diet (couldn't even eat a carrot!?), I found myself scootering to a mini mart on a desperate mission. I bought a white...
What is my identity?
Not long ago I found myself chatting with a tableful of strangers at a School of Life philosophy breakfast. We were on about identity and...
Can you change your personality?
A few days ago a handsome dude that I'm dating said to me "I don't think you have a negative bone in your body." It was quite the shock for a former...
Is creature of habiting keeping you stuck?
We're creatures of habit, we set up routines, and then we follow them. But it can get pretty dull doing the same things day-in, day out - same cocoa...
How to motivate yourself when you just feel MAH
Some mornings I wake up feeling kind of MAH. My muscles are ow, my limbs are brickish and I look at my bed with narrowed eyes.. should I get back...
What’s all this yoga hype?
When I started doing yoga I was mostly just pissed that I couldn't reach my toes. I spent most of the classes railing against the teacher (in my...
How to make decisions and become a creative genius
Sometimes a really weird thing happens. I find myself reading my own blog posts thinking, when the hell did I write that? That shit is funny, I...
Spontaneous thoughts create bloody good lives. Are you listening?
On Saturday Bloody Good Chap came upstairs at 1am to find me standing in the kitchen making a mini bottle of salad dressing. He looked at me with a...
Is my bloody good life better than yours?
When I first started Project Self it came to my attention that some of what I’d been writing had been misconstrued by old friends as me telling...
Multitasking: a recipe for meh
Today I took some sweet potatoes out of the oven, started humming a song, and thought - bugger I forgot to put music on. Took a few steps towards my...
Looking for anything in particular?
If you’ve been thinking of doing the much loved Bloody Good Life program, this is your last chance. BGL will be closing its doors from July this year.
Learn to tame your overthinking mind and get clear on your direction (plus a handful of other benefits you won't expect).
→ Put your name on the Bloody Good Life waitlist here.
How to stop a bad day in its tracks
Download the free bloody good g-book. Because we've all had enough of e-books
One such method is a hobby that distracts you from negative thoughts and brings pleasure. For example, online gaming. An interesting option is a legal online casino in Germany. It allows you to immerse yourself in excitement and distract yourself from problems. In addition, the game can become not only entertainment, but also a way to earn money.
At https://psychosoziales-adressbuch-krefeld.de/ you can learn more about legal online casino gaming in Germany in 2024. It can be a great way to switch gears and spend your time in a fun and rewarding way.
Bad days happen to everyone, but it's important to find your own way to cope. Some people are helped by meditation, others - physical activity, and for some a great way to distract and restore mental balance will be a game at online casinos. The main thing is to choose something that suits you and helps you to return good mood and peace of mind.