Not long after Bloody Good Chap and I started dating, he turned to me and said "I don't think you have a negative bone in your body." It was quite...
Blog posts on: Making Decisions & Finding Passion
Curled up in a ball under my desk crying
After two very lovely weeks lying in a hammock with my hands over my ears going LA-LA-LA-LAA and pretending I don’t have a business to run and a...
How to stay sane & protect your time
A couple of days ago a really lovely, bubbly chick I’ve be doing a course with suggested that we catch up for coffee. And I said no. And then I...
Lawn mowing for a bloody good life
I've been sick with the man flu for a week and have fallen off the exercise bandwagon. And yesterday it was raining and I was cold. You know how it...
Menial Life Admin Will Take Over Your Life Unless…
This morning instead of exercising, I got out my drill and did a bit of DIY on my Ikea bed. I’ve been delaying doing any building lately even though...
Have you forgotten who your self is?
I used to be one of those people who was all up in my mind trying to look good, avoid looking bad, and trying to impress everyone. I tried to fit in...
How to get your energy back (it’s not what you think)
When I’m single or just hanging out by myself for the weekend, I’m almost always very active and busy. Sometimes I even run around the house because...
How to not care what others think
Over the weekend I went away camping with a bunch of absolute legends, two of whom now have a beautiful little baby. Normally babies scare the...
How not to be a head-in-the-sand-procrastinator
Lately I've been finding it wayyy too easy to stay in bed spooning instead of getting up and working, and I've been more inclined to eat chocolate...
Tinder burnt my toast
You know that feeling when you only have one candle and not enough ends to burn it from? You're flinging washing in the machine while poaching an...
How to tackle the new year head on
Yep, I kicked the ball into the neighbour's after this shot. Had to climb a fence to retrieve it. Thank Beckham, I'm back at soccer after a month...
What to do when life doesn’t inspire you to high five strangers
Photography: Drew Corby Since launching Bloody Good Life 101 last week, I’ve been inundated with messages and chatted with loads of you on Skype -...
Yoga isn’t about your body
Image: no idea what's going on here This morning I went for a run on the beach and ended up teaching yoga to a couple of enthusiastic little girls....
Indecisive about what to do with your life?
Image credit: Drew Corby "The thing that is really weighing on my mind is that I really don't know what I want to do and it's causing this constant...
Travel = running away from reality. Do it
Image credit: me! If you've travelled for any decent length of time, you've most likely had it suggested that you're 'running away from reality'....
Stuck in a career you don’t love?
Photography: Drew Corby I’m doing a job that I don’t really love but it’s too late to change careers because I’ve already spent X amount of years...
Looking for anything in particular?
If you’ve been thinking of doing the much loved Bloody Good Life program, this is your last chance. BGL will be closing its doors from July this year.
Learn to tame your overthinking mind and get clear on your direction (plus a handful of other benefits you won't expect).
→ Put your name on the Bloody Good Life waitlist here.
How to stop a bad day in its tracks
Download the free bloody good g-book. Because we've all had enough of e-books
One such method is a hobby that distracts you from negative thoughts and brings pleasure. For example, online gaming. An interesting option is a legal online casino in Germany. It allows you to immerse yourself in excitement and distract yourself from problems. In addition, the game can become not only entertainment, but also a way to earn money.
At you can learn more about legal online casino gaming in Germany in 2024. It can be a great way to switch gears and spend your time in a fun and rewarding way.
Bad days happen to everyone, but it's important to find your own way to cope. Some people are helped by meditation, others - physical activity, and for some a great way to distract and restore mental balance will be a game at online casinos. The main thing is to choose something that suits you and helps you to return good mood and peace of mind.