
I wanted you to know this…

Happiness & Fulfilment

Writing blog posts to you is one of the things I love to do most, especially when I hear back from so many of you saying that my blog posts have made a difference to your life in some small way (even just by making you laugh, or making you feel less alone in your struggles.)

I want to say thank you for being here, from the bottom of my very grateful heart, because you’re the reason I get to do what I do, and you’re the reason I love what I do so much!

Honestly, your replies fill me with so much joy, so often!

An extra thank you for sticking with me through a sale with 9 emails over the last couple of weeks, phew!

One lovely human replied to one of the BGL D.I.Y. sale emails with this —

“Thanks so much for persevering with me. I would love to join in this and I love hearing from you as you’re thinking exactly how I do and it really helps me feel sort of normal instead of damaged. However I am in a really bad financial position at the moment so just cannot spare the money at the moment to pay for your great offer. Thank you for your understanding and if I could still hear from you and your words of wisdom that would be fantastic.”

In case any of you are in a similar position, I wanted to make sure you know two things —

You’re SO welcome to stay on my newsletter list forever and ever without ever paying me!

It makes me so happy to know that I’m helping in some small way.

If someone just gave me millions of dollars, I would still keep doing what I’m doing.

If I could offer everything for free, I would (though I’ve also realised, unless people pay for a thing, they tend not to follow through on the thing, and therefore get limited to no benefits!)

A percentage of people who are on this newsletter list are keen to sign up for paid programs when the time is right, and this, alongside my corporate workshops, support me to continue to do what I love:

To support and inspire as many people as possible to tame their mind, get clear on their next steps, and look after their mental health.

I do this by spending a huge amount of my time writing free blogs, tips, and free short programs, like the 6 Days to Decisiveness, which you can sign up for here  — this is what I love to do, and I’m so happy to have you along for the ride for as long or as short as you want to hang out with us in the Project Self neighbourhood!

A few of you also emailed me during the sale saying that you’d love to join BGL, but that you can’t afford it at the moment.

Those people got a reply from me with a scholarship application — if you’d love to do BGL D.I.Y. and your current financial circumstances don’t allow it, please get in touch and let me know, my team will get back to you with a scholarship application form. I don’t want money to be a barrier to taming your mind, and we offer a number of partial and full scholarships to BGL D.I.Y. every year.

I haven’t mentioned this in any blogs lately, but I’m currently on a small Thai island with Bloody Good Bloke, we’ve been working here for the past couple of weeks (Seriously, the internet here is way better than we get in Australia)! First time travelling together… ever (after 2 years together!)

Writing this email is the lastttt thing I’m doing before wrapping up to take a work-free break, so if you respond to this email, please know I will look forward to reading your replies and replying in 2-3 weeks from now!

My fab assistant Becs (also a former BGL participant!) will help you out if you have any questions in the meantime.

My team will be sending out a couple of blog posts I just wrote over the next couple of weeks, so you’ll still be hearing from “past me”, while I scooter round Thailand eating a great deal of Panang curry since that’s pretty much all I can eat here as a coeliac! 😬

I will return still pasty, (while BGB is already unfairly golden with his olive skin, goddamn him), relaxed, and inspired to create more great things for you soon.

See you again soon, different time, same place!



If you’ve been thinking of doing the much loved Bloody Good Life program, this is your last chance. BGL will be closing its doors from July this year.

Learn to tame your overthinking mind and get clear on your direction (plus a handful of other benefits you won't expect).

→ Put your name on the Bloody Good Life waitlist here.

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