
What to do when you can’t bloody figure out what to do…

Confidence, Happiness & Fulfilment, Making Decisions & Finding Passion

Yesterday I ran a corporate workshop for the team at Smiling Mind and found myself telling them about a cripplingly insecure, confusing time in my life, 10 years ago.

My head was a racket of thoughts. Plenty of self-hatred in the mix, but also, a great deal of: “What the fuckkkk am I doing with my life??”

I didn’t feel particularly passionate about architecture, my chosen career, but felt it was too late to change path because I’d already spent years, thousands of litres of blood-sweat-and-tears, trillions of dollars, and countless Red-Bull-fueled sleepless nights studying to be an architect.

Also, I hadn’t a damn clue what I wanted to do instead.

I felt stuck, lost. Flakey. A bit bloody useless.

I remember reading this quote by Lao Tzu and nearly having a panic attack:

“If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading.”

I knew I had to make a change, but the overthinking ninjas had taken over my brain.

My gut instinct had jumped ship.

In its place, a jumble of bullshit thoughts about all the reasons why I couldn’t do any of the things I thought I might-maybe-possibly want to do.

I didn’t know what to do, where to start, when or how to do it…

Stuck. Stuck. Stuck.

Stressed. Stressed. Stressed.

I can honestly say that despite having faced some fairly significant traumatic experiences in my young life — that time in my life where I was insecure, stuck, confused, and stressed about what to do with my life (which went on for many years) was one of the most stressful times of my life.

I speak with people every week who are in a similar situation —

their minds creating chaos in their life as they try like buggery to figure out what they want and how to get the confidence they need to do it.

It breaks my heart to hear the suffering that this overthinking and confusion causes so many of you, like it did me.

This week I’ve been reminded of the importance of understanding how to find and follow your gut instinct and not your mind.

I’ve been reminded by a beautiful soul who booked in for a free chat with me this week, that when you ignore (or can’t hear) the whisperings of your body, it’s not just happiness and fulfilment that you miss out on.

No, it’s much bigger than that.

This kind of overthinking and confusion can cause serious mental health issues if left unchecked for long enough.

Anxiety. Depression. Crippling insecurity. A feeling that you are somehow broken, or less than. The tendency to compare yourself to everyone around you who *seems* to have their shit together.

It’s not an indulgence to find and follow your gut instinct into a life that fits better for you. It’s a necessity.

If you’re reading this thinking “Fuck, that’s me”, then I want to offer you the best thing I know of to help you out of this awful pickle.

My program, Bloody Good Life is designed for exactly this purpose. It contains all the strategies that helped me (and hundreds of others) not only find the path that my gut instinct was trying to nudge me towards — but also to develop the confidence to actually follow it.

Doing so has lead me to a the most beautiful, fulfilling, frankly fucking magical life.

The “bloody good life” I’m now in the middle of is even better than what I’d imagined possible for myself. My gut instinct led me here, and continues to lead me. Neville (my mind) is no longer the fearful drunk driver of my life.

If you’re feeling stuck, I know your gut instinct is in there, whispering to you to make a change. Perhaps you just need some help to tame your mind so you can hear its whispers.

Inspired by the lovely human I spoke with this week, I’ve decided to run the biggest sale we’ve ever run for both the Bloody Good Life D.I.Y. and Bloody Good Life 1:1 coaching programs to make them super accessible to you if you’re feeling at your wits end with being stuck.

Keep an eye on your inbox, I’ll email you with more details on Sunday.

If you’re not on my email list and want to hear about the sale (it’s only for newsletter subscribers), sign up here!

If you’ve been thinking of doing the much loved Bloody Good Life program, this is your last chance. BGL will be closing its doors from July this year.

Learn to tame your overthinking mind and get clear on your direction (plus a handful of other benefits you won't expect).

→ Put your name on the Bloody Good Life waitlist here.

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