
What should I do with my life?

Making Decisions & Finding Passion

It wasn’t so long ago that I was pelted with worry on a daily basis.

What should I do next in life?

Was I doing the right thing? Why didn’t I feel fulfilled? What did that person over there think of me? (Check reflection in window – Does my hair look okay?)

As a perfectionist and overachiever, I was used to having goals and getting things done. All through school and uni I smashed out exams and assignments and hurtled towards a status-oriented job that I wasn’t so sure I’d meant to choose.

Then all of a sudden, in the midst of working my nuts off trying to keep everything under control, I realised that I wasn’t sure that I liked where I was heading.

I didn’t hate it, but it didn’t excite me.

Nothing much really excited me. I started to wonder… do I really want to be an architect? Is this really what I want to spend the rest of my life doing? Or am I just doing it because I want status and money and respect?

Once the question piped up, my mind shifted into overdrive as it tried to work out the answer. But it seemed that the more I thought about it, the less clear it became.

Indecision became my middle name.

I had this horrible feeling that I did not want to be doing what I was doing, but I didn’t know what on earth else to do.

My thoughts bundled themselves into a big hamster wheel of overthinky-indecision, and I started to feel a sense of constant background anxiety. I started to feel a bit directionless, like I’d lost control over my life.

I’d achieved everything I’d set out to achieve, and I still didn’t quite feel satisfied.

I wanted to move forward, but I was stuck – I couldn’t take a step until I was 100% sure of the right direction, but the surety never came.

It felt a bit like treading water, not moving forward or backwards, not even diagonally, just trying to keep myself afloat until the “answer” came.

I started to lose confidence in my own decisions and became frustrated with my inability to take action. I started losing motivation and energy, and the drive that I’d always relied on to keep me focussed seemed to be slipping away.

I’d sit down to do one task, and spend hours doing something else.

I’d tell myself I’d sit down and work out what to do with my life at some point, but months would pass and some point would never come.

I had many ideas about what I could do next, I just couldn’t decide between them all, and each idea came with a thousand thoughts of why I couldn’t/wouldn’t/shouldn’t do it.

I was looking for an epiphany;

a moment of sudden insight and clarity.

I was just going through the motions, stuck in a rut that I couldn’t get myself out of. The longer I dithered, the deeper the rut became, and I didn’t have the tools to dig myself out.

Bloody Good Life 101 will give you the tools to get unstuck

I wanted to have the feeling of waking up in the morning and leaping out of bed with zest; excited to start the day with a clear head and a focussed mind; working on something that I loved. I wanted to be healthy, free to do what I wanted with my life, and to be grinning as much as possible. I wanted to know what I was passionate about. I wanted to know how to live a bloody good life.

I wouldn’t have said it at the time, because I hated self-developmenty type bollocks, but I wanted to find my “self”.

Does this sound familiar? You absolutely must book in for a chat with me, click here to book a time

We’ll chat about where you’re at, I can tell you about Bloody Good Life 101, and we can decide if the program is right for you.

No pressure, no obligation, just a bloody good chat.

It’s free!

Because you can have what I have now. A satisfying, passionate, bloody good life is waiting for you in the techniques that I’ll show you. Don’t waste any more of your years trying to work it all out in your mind. It will hold you stuck as long as you let it.

“If you do not change direction, you might end up where you are heading.” Lao tzu

In the words of my clients:

“Do it Do it Do it!!” “You’ll never regret your decision to work with this game-changer”

“This truly has been a life changing experience for me, I’d recommend it to anyone.”

“Andrea reminded me what it is to love life!”

Book in for a chat. I have answers that you have never even considered before (neither had I!).


If you’ve been thinking of doing the much loved Bloody Good Life program, this is your last chance. BGL will be closing its doors from July this year.

Learn to tame your overthinking mind and get clear on your direction (plus a handful of other benefits you won't expect).

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