
Stuck in a career you don’t love?

Making Decisions & Finding Passion, Most Popular Posts

Photography: Drew Corby

I’m doing a job that I don’t really love but it’s too late to change careers because I’ve already spent X amount of years studying to be a XX,

and I don’t know what my passion is anyway.

So I have to stay in my job. But I hate it a bit.

I’m stuck.

Sound familiar?

Since doing a U-turn and flooring it away from a sensible career as an architect, people were rather intrigued by my decision. Many thought I was mad.

But now I’m literally living a pinch-myself, location-independent, passion-driven life,

and I coach so many people who are in the same position as I was a few years ago. Stuck, unsure where to turn, or how to be sure of a decision. Many of them aren’t sure what their passion is anymore.

I hear the same things over and over – so many of us are stuck in careers we don’t like, trapped by the indecision of


4 years ago, I was one of the “many women who are stuck in a vortex of ‘I don’t know’. ‘I don’t know what to do, where to start, what to say, who to talk to, when to go, why I should…'” (Alice Nicholls)

Cut to today, and

I’m one of the excitable ones who’s eyes light up when I talk about what I’m passionate about

– my own version of mindfulness that I call Bloody Good Life 101, which changes my client’s lives.

I know anyone can do it, because I did it myself, and I’m constantly meeting awesome people who have done the same. It’s possible to radically change your life – you just have to put in the time and invest in books, courses, podcasts, coaches (…) to help you do it! Don’t waste more years of your life trying to do it alone, it’s not a solo journey.

So here is the answer:

Step 1: read this legendary article

Step 2: ask yourself:

“What am I curious about?” Start there.

Start experimenting with things outside of work, and find the things that make you grin the most. It could be ANYTHING. It doesn’t have to be the thing you’ll end up doing. Just a method of finding a commonality in the types of things you love. You don’t have to quit your job to discover the things you are passionate about.

Step 3: try out the homework that I gave to one of my coaching clients recently… start researching and reading everything you can about people who have radically changed their careers and are making a success of doing what they love. Scott Dinsmore, Ash Ambirdge, Natalie Sission, Tim Ferris, Chris Guillebeau, Jonathan Fields, Kim Anami…. The list could go on forever so I’ll stop.

Step 4. if you’re still stuck, check out Bloody Good Life 101. You might find something you’ve been looking for.

If you’ve been thinking of doing the much loved Bloody Good Life program, this is your last chance. BGL will be closing its doors from July this year.

Learn to tame your overthinking mind and get clear on your direction (plus a handful of other benefits you won't expect).

→ Put your name on the Bloody Good Life waitlist here.

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