
A New Years day note from Andrea

Happiness & Fulfilment

Happy New Year from Project Self! Mostly just me, Andrea. On a tree.

This year I’m grateful for so bloody much, Project Self, you guys, your amazing messages and comments that make my day pretty much every day, Tinder for allocating me such a bloody awesome chap, my beautiful friends all over the world, being so fricken lucky to travel to the Philippines and to be able to work from Bali this year, living in a house I love, having a dude I love, a family I love, a business I love, clients I love, friends I love, and just so much stuff that I bloody love to bits!

And last but certainly not least,

I’m grateful for Eckhart Tolle and mindfulness for completely changing my life 4 years ago.

It’s bloody good stuff I tell you, I’d be a bitter, cynical office-bound angry person without it! Instead I’m here, loving my bloody good life, publicly! I can’t wait to teach it to some more legends in 2016.

Tell me in the comments, what are you grateful for today, on the last day of 2015?

C’mon now, please don’t let this be one of those awkward moments where I ask you to comment and then no one comments and crickets can be heard and everyone judges me for getting no comments the one time I asked.

The number of people I meet that tell me they love reading Project Self posts yet I never have a clue – say hello, I’d love to hear from you, just this once!

Gratitude is scientifically proven to increase bloody goodness, and endorphins and stuff, probably.

I’ve got a questionnaire for you guys on Monday – 11 Questions for the Bloody Goodest of New Years – I figured I’d wait for a few days so the hangover wears off before asking 2016 related questions.

Thank you again for being the most awesome audience ever. You rock my socks and make my hard work so bloody worthwhile.

If you’ve been thinking of doing the much loved Bloody Good Life program, this is your last chance. BGL will be closing its doors from July this year.

Learn to tame your overthinking mind and get clear on your direction (plus a handful of other benefits you won't expect).

→ Put your name on the Bloody Good Life waitlist here.

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