
How to make your day a heap brighter

Happiness & Fulfilment, Most Popular Posts

Yesterday I opened my inbox to find two emails that really surprised me.

Though I definitely understood where they were coming from.

The first said:

“Hi Andrea. LOVE, LOVE your stuff. I’ve been especially just blown away by the wisdom recently.” [+ a bunch of other lovely stuff that I won’t include here to keep it short!]

“Anyway, I know you probably have no time for this kind of email, but I wanted to say, you inspire me!

And thanks! Because, I’m grateful for you!“

The second email, from a current BGL LIVE participant, said a bunch of equally lovely things, and when I replied with huge gratitude, the second emailer wrote back this:

“I nearly didn’t send it because I thought it would seem insignificant and small

compared to all the emails of gratitude that you must receive from all of your other clients (who would word things and express things so much better) and that it was such a small thanks compared to what you have done for us!”

How crazy is this guys?

For the full context, and because it’s so bloody lovely I want to share it, part of the lovely BGL participant’s email and my reply (skip ahead to the next dotted line if you just want to get to the point!):

“Andrea, thank you so, so much for doing what you do and for starting BGL! For being REAL, sharing your stories – your life – your journey with us, for your time and energy – I can’t tell you how much you have changed my life already.”

To which I replied:

“Thank you SO much for this email, I can’t tell you how much it means to me. In fact, it brought tears to my eyes!

It is very very easy for Neville to forget that BGL is a good program and that you guys enjoy it and get benefit out of it,

he’s constantly telling me that at any minute now someone is going to email me and tell me I’m a ridiculous fraud and everyone hates the program.

I know it’s not rational, but the fear is still there – so your email is just really fucking great timing to help me tell Neville to turn down the volume on the self doubt today.

So thank YOU also for being an absolute bloody legend, I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it!”

I know I’ve done this kind of thing before – repeatedly thought about how someone was awesome/ inspiring/ a legend, and that I should tell them, but then held back because I felt like my praise would mean nothing to them.

Like somehow I was too “small” to matter to someone who I perceived to be too busy or too famous or too popular or too cool for me. Like somehow it was too audacious to expect my complement to matter??

If you’ve ever thought that – I urge you – ignore your mind and send the email to someone who has inspired you, write a note, pay someone a nice compliment

when the urge springs to mind. (I realise this could seem like I’m just trying to get you to email me nice things, which I absolutely am not! Though do feel free :D )

So yesterday I messaged someone I don’t know but very much admire who had thousands and thousands of followers, who’s insta stories I always watch and love for her realness and courage. I told her all the lovely thoughts I had been thinking about her.

To which she replied “That has got to be one of the best compliments ever, thank you! I really needed it today too!!”

I felt great, she felt great, double win!

You never know how much someone will appreciate or even need your lovely words right at the time you dare to send them.

Both of these excellent humans who emailed me yesterday, and anyone who’s ever emailed or commented or said a lovely thing to me, has changed my day and even my life for the better.

I am SO thankful for those people. They’ve made the hard times of running my own business all worth it, and picked me up on days when I was wondering what the point was. I always reply and I always feel so bloody grateful when someone takes the time to be generous with their kindness.

We have plenty of negativity coming at all of us all the time –

if something positive comes up for a change – DO SOMETHING with it.

No lovely words are ever wasted when you say them out loud to someone.

The only time they’re wasted is when you let your mind convince you to keep them in your head.

If you’ve been thinking of doing the much loved Bloody Good Life program, this is your last chance. BGL will be closing its doors from July this year.

Learn to tame your overthinking mind and get clear on your direction (plus a handful of other benefits you won't expect).

→ Put your name on the Bloody Good Life waitlist here.

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