
How to keep your mind and emotions on track

Happiness & Fulfilment

This morning as I was laying face down apparently focussing on the blanket pressing into my stomach (yoga), it struck me that our mind and emotions are the digestive system of our experiences.

My teacher spoke about how when we eat a carrot, for example, our digestive system breaks it down and parts of that carrot literally become us. So we have to look after our digestive system so that if functions properly.

And our experiences, we digest them too, and they also can become part of us.

I’m sure all of us have had a life changing break up, relationship, loss or triumph that has become part of who we are; changed us at a deeper level.

We need to maintain a healthy experience-digestive system (mind/ emotions) in order to assimilate our experiences in a healthy way.

Oh my gosh I’m going to have to rename my mind ED!

My experience-digester. Is it too late to change the name of my mind? Neville Alias Ed.

You guys! I’m doing it.

The number one thing you can do to make your life more fulfilling is to keep your Ed happy. And your digestive tract too. Because you are what you eat and you are what your Ed focusses on.

If we don’t learn skills to look after our Ed, our experiences will become us through the negative filter of our mind and emotions; our stresses, our worries, our regrets.

That is certainly how I used to exist. My mind and emotions were a negative filter through which I experienced the world, and in turn, I took everything personally and my personality became jaded, cynical and pessimistic. With a thin veil of people-pleasing-perfectionism (PPP) that I used as an invisibility cloak for what I really thought.

Bloody Good Life Online will teach you the tools you need to be able to look after your experience-digestive system; your mind and emotions.

We aren’t taught these skills at school, nor were our parents, we’re all left to wing it. Because they’re “life skills”, we feel we shouldn’t have to study them.

But just because we have lungs and a heart doesn’t mean we already know how they work and what to do to keep them healthy without researching. I wouldn’t even know I had a heart if I wasn’t taught it at school. Same goes for our mind and emotions.

Invest in the health of your Ed and you’ll see every aspect of your life change.

Fast track your way to a bloody good life. The fun way.


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