
How to unstick yourself from a rut

Making Decisions & Finding Passion

A few months ago, Bloody Good Chap waltzed into my life and (as an avid traveller himself), reminded me of my first love (travel, that is!).

After years of travelling and working around the world it was rather strange for me when I then moved back to the “real world” 2 years ago  to study coaching and setup Project Self. Despite having a strong case of travel obsession, I had stayed in Melbourne ignoring the bug for two whole years!

So a few months ago,

Bloody Good Chap and I nipped off to the Philippines, before we even really knew each other!

Getting back into travel completely changed my mindset, as it always does, and reinspired me for what I was up to with Project Self.

A few days after our trip, I woke up one morning and suddenly felt very sure that I was going to go and do yoga and work in Bali for two months in August. It seemed like a far fetched idea, but like most of the sudden whims I’ve had in the past (usually travel related), I generally follow through.

So far it’s made my life more bloody good than I could ever have imagined, so I’ve followed this one up too, so on Sunday, Bloody Good Chap and I will be travelling around Indonesia for two weeks, then I’ll be working in Bali until October.

My clients are all coming with me on Skype!

It will be cheaper living in Ubud than is for me to live in Melbourne. So it’s not about having bags of money, it’s about following what lights you up and not listening to the voice in your head that says

“Stay home! Be serious! Be safe! And bored.”

Living a Bloody Good Life is about going with your gut instinct. Everything else will keep you stuck in over-thinking, paranoia and a lingering sense that you’re not “there” yet. Wherever there is.

Animals don’t have minds, they go with their instincts, and they get on just fine. They are much more in touch with what’s going on in the world. They sense natural disasters before they happen, they randomly seem to know when to migrate, to hibernate, etc, without anyone telling them they should do so.

We have similar instincts.

Deep down we know what we want and what we should be doing.

But unlike animals, we also have a pre-frontal cortex (our mind) which chats in our ear incessantly telling us not to take risks, not to step out of our comfort zone. Our mind is wired to expect the worst and fear everything. Especially change. This is what keeps us stuck.

Your mind says be sensible, be serious, be safe”.

Your gut says make a change. Be different. Change jobs. Prioritise happiness over everything.

If you want to live a bloody good life, there’s no doubt about it, you’ve got to learn to change the way you listen to your mind.

And start listening to your gut, or whatever it is that knows best.

If your head it so crowded you can’t feel your instincts anymore and don’t know what you want, we need to work together.

Bloody Good Life 101 is now SOLD OUT for August and September, but I will be launching a small, bloody good group coaching program in Oct/ Nov!

If you’re intrigued, get yourself on the waitlist here

As with our last Philippines adventure – I’ll be posting photos of our trip on Instagram –

follow @projectself on Instagram

to stalk our holiday and get inspiration for your next trip!

Also, because I’m shite at Instagram and need more friends!

FYI – FB will only show you Project Self posts (or any other page posts) if it calculates that you are engaging with the content. Clicking ‘read more’ and/or liking and commenting on posts will make FB show you more of what you like in your newsfeed.

As I’ll be busy relaxing and hopefully not writing my usual verbose posts, there won’t be any ‘read more’ to click – so ‘like’ and comment on Project Self posts instead if you want to keep seeing Project Self stuff in your feed!

OR, if you’re a big ol’ fan, click “Liked” at the top of the Project Self FB page and click “see posts first” or even “get notifications” if you don’t want to miss a thing ;)

And any tips for Indo/ Ubud/ Bali – comment them here! Would love anything you’ve got, I’ve never been. I’m into yoga, meditating, healthy eating (paleo-ish!), adventures, beaches, rice paddies, biking, and definitely not Kuta.

If you’ve been thinking of doing the much loved Bloody Good Life program, this is your last chance. BGL will be closing its doors from July this year.

Learn to tame your overthinking mind and get clear on your direction (plus a handful of other benefits you won't expect).

→ Put your name on the Bloody Good Life waitlist here.

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