Well, that escalated quickly! I was just getting the hang of 2017 and bang, it’s 2018.
Happy New Year legends!!
I’m very grateful for you,
all your awesome messages and support over the years I’ve been writing the Project Self blog, it’s shown me just how many thousands of (probably) millions of billions of awesome humans there are in the world, in amongst a few total sausages.
I reckon my word for 2018 is going to be inspiration.
I plan on going where my inspiration leads me,
and making sure I do enough of the things I need to keep me inspired as often as possible. I find it very easy to get wrapped up in All The Other Stuff of life and forget to make space for new inspiration to come and knock me on the forehead.
Do you have a word or a resolution for the year?
Would love to hear it… possibly so I can copy you and change my word of the year :D