
Growing up is for Boring people

Making Decisions & Finding Passion

Today Bloody Good Chap and I ran to a park and ended up running around in some sprinklers, giggling like children. Well, I’ll speak for myself. There was a dog running around doing the same thing, we were definitely having more fun than anyone else at the park.

When I was a small person I thought adults were boring.

I wanted to leave the dinner table to go and play.

Ridiculous, meaningless things made me ecstatically happy, and I never stopped to question why, because life was bloody good.

Then slowly, the kids around me started to pretend to be grown up.

One of my step-brothers took the lead in becoming mature. He started to stay at the table after dinner, having sensible conversations with the adults, and occasionally asking if he could sip their beer or wine. Crafty bastard. I couldn’t convince him to come and play shops anymore.

At first I was really pissed at him for ruining my games.

But then I realised that to be cool, like him, I’d have to follow suit.

So bit by bit I learnt that I shouldn’t play stupid games. I should behave like the adults, calm, controlled, and with minimal display of excitement. And all that BEFORE I had any of the responsibilities and stress of adult life.

We’ve all done it. And after years of playing the adult game, we’ve suddenly realised that we are one. That crazy sense of joy is no longer part of our everyday life.

Living a bloody good life involves getting PLAY and MISCHIEF back into life.

You can run around excitedly with your dog, jump up and down, clap your hands together with glee when something cool happens, dance madly, do handstands and cartwheels, skip around.

But most of us are too stuck in the maturity game to do such things.

So we use alcohol and drugs as tools to ‘let loose.’ They give us ‘permission’ to act childishly, and do whatever we want.

But I want to convince you that you don’t have to get wasted to reap the benefits of ‘play’.

Go outside the next time you can, (or somewhere no-one can see if you prefer) – and do something out-of-character. Skip, try a handstand or a cartwheel, do a stupid dance, giggle at something odd.

God, how eccentric of you.

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