
Confessions of an untamed mind


I’ve only shown this video to Bloody Good Chap.

Apart from worrying I’ll look like a dick, I’ve also had this fear that you guys will think of me a certain way from the way I write and the photos I post, and what if you don’t think I’m cool after watching me on stage?! So I was (am) nervous posting this – now you’ll see how not-perfect I am, which I’ve spent my life trying to hide!

And you’ll hear that I have this Kiwi accent, when really I JUST WISH I WAS IRISH!

But so many of you asked if I could show you my Pecha Kucha talk I gave in Bali a couple of weeks ago, about the voice in my head, and Project Self is meant to be all about straight up honesty and realness – so – I’m feeling the fear and doing it anyway! – here’s video, agh!

I was bloody nervous speaking in front of 260 people for the first time ever

(I haven’t done public speaking since speeches in high school, which I hated!), and I only had a few days to prepare, so I ended up taking notes on stage and messing up quite a lot of what I wanted to say. (Which I only realised just now after watching the recording. At the time I blanked the whole thing out!)

Public speaking used to be my worst fear,

and I found that when I got up on stage the old triggers of panic were still soundly embedded in me, but unlike before, I’m now able to face my fears and do things anyway – all thanks to what I learnt a few years ago (which I talk about in the video).

If you’ve been thinking of doing the much loved Bloody Good Life program, this is your last chance. BGL will be closing its doors from July this year.

Learn to tame your overthinking mind and get clear on your direction (plus a handful of other benefits you won't expect).

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