
Confessions of an untamed mind


I’ve only shown this video to Bloody Good Chap.

Apart from worrying I’ll look like a dick, I’ve also had this fear that you guys will think of me a certain way from the way I write and the photos I post, and what if you don’t think I’m cool after watching me on stage?! So I was (am) nervous posting this – now you’ll see how not-perfect I am, which I’ve spent my life trying to hide!

And you’ll hear that I have this Kiwi accent, when really I JUST WISH I WAS IRISH!

But so many of you asked if I could show you my Pecha Kucha talk I gave in Bali a couple of weeks ago, about the voice in my head, and Project Self is meant to be all about straight up honesty and realness – so – I’m feeling the fear and doing it anyway! – here’s video, agh!

I was bloody nervous speaking in front of 260 people for the first time ever

(I haven’t done public speaking since speeches in high school, which I hated!), and I only had a few days to prepare, so I ended up taking notes on stage and messing up quite a lot of what I wanted to say. (Which I only realised just now after watching the recording. At the time I blanked the whole thing out!)

Public speaking used to be my worst fear,

and I found that when I got up on stage the old triggers of panic were still soundly embedded in me, but unlike before, I’m now able to face my fears and do things anyway – all thanks to what I learnt a few years ago (which I talk about in the video).

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