Two days ago I had a mini-meltdown at what seemed like the 20 millionth thing I was excited about falling through once more. A couple of months ago...
Blog posts on: Resilience & Managing Emotions
What to do when life insists on not going to plan
Please, I whimpered at the 45km/h gusts of wind, the shower tent currently plastering its cold self against my wet, half-showered body. “Please just...
When life gives you a slap, would you rather be bamboo, or a dried old stick?
When Covid hit the bigtime, I lost $22,000 worth of corporate contracts and Airbnb bookings within the space of 3 days. Suffice to say, my nervous...
What to do with nonspecific-mild-unfounded-background-dread
This morning when Bloody Good Chap reached out to put his half asleep arm around me, I half-asleeply mumbled to him: “BGC, I’ve woken up feeling...
Run back up the slippery negativity slope
Lately I’ve been finding myself slipping like buggery on the slippery downward slope of negativity. Earlier in the year I had to stop working from...
Why me? Why is life so unfair?
At intermediate school, I’ll always remember the friend who turned to me and said “Andrea, you’re wallowing in self-pity”. There are some things in...
Looking for anything in particular?
If you’ve been thinking of doing the much loved Bloody Good Life program, this is your last chance. BGL will be closing its doors from July this year.
Learn to tame your overthinking mind and get clear on your direction (plus a handful of other benefits you won't expect).
→ Put your name on the Bloody Good Life waitlist here.

How to stop a bad day in its tracks
Download the free bloody good g-book. Because we've all had enough of e-books
One such method is a hobby that distracts you from negative thoughts and brings pleasure. For example, online gaming. An interesting option is a legal online casino in Germany. It allows you to immerse yourself in excitement and distract yourself from problems. In addition, the game can become not only entertainment, but also a way to earn money.
At you can learn more about legal online casino gaming in Germany in 2024. It can be a great way to switch gears and spend your time in a fun and rewarding way.
Bad days happen to everyone, but it's important to find your own way to cope. Some people are helped by meditation, others - physical activity, and for some a great way to distract and restore mental balance will be a game at online casinos. The main thing is to choose something that suits you and helps you to return good mood and peace of mind.