Overthinking the bejaysus out of everything (Particularly at 1am)?
Can't help feeling envious of others' Insta lives?
Tis you? 👀
- You’re indecisive about your next steps. And whether or not you need a rescue dog or a holiday
- Life isn't where you thought it would be by now
- You find it difficult not to rush around doing all the things, all the time.
- Except all the other times, when you attempt to merge with the couch.
- You find it hard to switch off.
- You feel like something is missing, no matter what you achieve
- You elbow yourself for not having enough willpower to stick to your goals. Who put those biscuits in my trolley?
Tis you? 👀
- You’re indecisive about your next steps. And whether or not you need a rescue dog
- Life isn't where you thought it would be by now
- Your energy is a skerrick of what it used to be. You spend the day dreaming of your couch
- Yet when you faceplant onto the couch, you can't switch off.
- You feel like something is missing, no matter how many times you reach inbox zero
- You elbow yourself for not having enough willpower to stick to your goals. Who put those biscuits in my trolley?
- Motivation is a constant skirmish. A quick Insta break turns into an hour long scroll that only ends when you drop your phone on your face

G’day, I'm Andrea
Back in the dark ages of 2008, I was overthinking everything.
I'd recently quit architecture in a fit of "WTF-am-I-doing-with-my-life?!"
No clue what to do instead.
I'd lay awake trying to figure out my passions. But my mind (Neville) had other pressing matters to consider.
"Why hasn't Adam texted me back? WHY did I eat so much cheese?!"
Clarity wasn't forthcoming.

I muddled around for a few years, ever hopeful that clarity would strike.
Then I met Cliff, a boss who was kind to me even on the days I was 93% crocodile. He suggested I learn to "tame my mind."
I thought that sounded like nonsensical rubbish
But Cliff was one of the most content, successful & joyful people I'd ever met. I suspected he knew something I didn't.
So I ignored his advice for two years.
Eventually I came back around to the idea of "mind-taming" while vaccuming the mirrored ceiling of a Russian billionaire's superyacht.
It's a long story. Let's see if I can sum it into 6 squares:
My life changed dramatically as I started to learn to tame my mind. I became less moody. Less stuck in negativity, less overthinking.
Not long after I started practicing, my brother watched me react calmly to a person who used to trigger the shit out of me. He turned to me and said
"Wow, where did psycho Andrea go?"
I was sold.
I set off on a worldwide mission to learn to tame my mind and figure out what I wanted to do with my life...
I met many unexpected teachers along the way, including a white guy called Black Jesus in Nicaragua, and a Danish electrical engineer who later got a tatoo of one of my drawings on her wrist! 🤷♀️
As my mind-taming skills improved, my mind became less cluttered with worries and comparison. In turn, my direction became a trillion times clearer.
As I started to follow the clarity, my confidence grew. I stopped freaking out in social situations quite so frequently, and started to find my way to work I bloody love.
Learning to tame my mind caused a u-turn in the overwhelm spiral of my life.
The sense of contentment and clarity I feel now is a far (high pitched) cry from my formerly insecure, pessimistic, very "stuck" self.
I’ve since turned what I learnt into the most practical, relatable, laugh-filled program... a program I wish I'd had back when I was struggling.

If you'd really quite like...
- To get as clear as country air on your next steps
- To feel confident you're on the right track for YOU (not Brenda from accounts)
- The ability switch off so you can enjoy a wee snooze without leaping up to do 12 other things
- The ability to *actually* follow through on your goals so that you feel that warm glow (hint - you don't need more willpower)
- To dial down the overthinking so you can find joy in the little things again
- To be so immersed in following your path that you’ve no room to compare your life to others
...The Bloody Good Life program was made for you

I'm Andrea, an irreverent mind-tamer, and former cynical pessimist.
I train indecisive, practical people to tame their minds and get clear as country air on their direction. Without a single mention of chakras.
People I work with often describe me as
“Genuine, caring, honest, and no-bullshit”
I love having a laugh (mainly at my own expense), but behold, the professional spiel —
Andrea facilitates unconventional corporate and private mindfulness workshops across Australia, the UK, and NZ for organisations like Deloitte, Omega, BMW, and Tissot, and for the Faculty of Medicine at Monash University, run by Professor Craig Hassed (OAM), world renowned mindfulness expert.
Run, don’t walk, to the nearest computer and sign up NOW!!
This was by far the best value for money course ever. I was feeling very negative, bored in life, stuck, wanting to change but unsure of how to move forward and finding it hard to appreciate anything.
Since BGL I have seen very clear shifts in my daily thoughts, habits and routines. Thank you Andrea, you have honestly changed my life! Anyone considering doing this course, you must! It is bloody brilliant!!!
Heather, Educational Publishing, Dubai
Everyone must do this course! It’s LIFE CHANGING!
Before BGL I was an expert catastrophiser. I suffered from anxiety and mood swings, and was constantly feeling let down.
Now, I can reign in my busy mind and stop spinning one negative thought into an entire bad week! BGL has helped me to be much calmer, I have also (apparently) become a nicer person to be around as I am now much more capable of managing my reactions to a situation, and I’m finding joy in the small things.
Sarah, Customer Services Manager, NZ
I have rediscovered what makes me happy
I was stuck in my mind, constantly anxious about what other people were thinking of me. I had lost the ability to appreciate and love myself.
BGL changed my life. BGL has contributed to every aspect of my life. I feel content with who I am and I am so much happier in my own company than ever before. I have started to love myself. I am viewing things with a much clearer perspective, and I have a much more positive outlook on the world around me.
Mel, Nurse, Aus
Trial it out risk free...
It's really important to me that you love the Bloody Good Life program and get wonderful benefits out of it,
So we offer a 30 day refund guarantee.
Try out the Bloody Good Life D.I.Y. program, and if you aren't happy with it, just email us within 30 days with why you're unsatisfied and you'll get a full refund, no loop holes.
If it's not right for you, I'd much rather refund you so you can find something that's a better fit for you.

Bloody Good Life will help you...
Improve your confidence
Clear out the unhelpful mind chatter so you can be more authentically "you"
Reduce negative thought spirals
Learn to let go of things & reduce negativity so you can save your mental energy for the things that matter
Get clarity on big decisions
Get clarity on your next steps so that you can get unstuck and move forward without all the overthinking
Find joy and excitement
Appreciate the little things so you can enjoy life to the fullest rather than letting it pass you by in a flurry of overthinking
Manage rollercoaster emotions
Manage your challenging emotions like a pro and watch your relationships thrive
Ditch procrastination & self sabotage
Train your brain not to get sidetracked by ALL THE THINGS so you can take action more easefully
Here’s what you’ll learn:
(Click the + for more info)
MODULE 1: How to focus on what matters
Do you ever think “I just need some time to think about what I want from my life” but then 5 years whiz by and you still haven’t quite found time?
In this module you’ll be finally making time for yourself to work out what you want from your life. We’ll take a good look at where you’re at with every area of your life and where you want to go.
I’ll give you a simple framework to help your wandering mind stay in the game, and we’ll work it out step by step.
MODULE 2: A closer look at the voice in your head
Ever wondered how that voice in your head got so narky? Ever wondered who that is, that little voice we call our mind? Is it you? And if not, who are you?
You’ll learn all about your mind, what it’s up to, why it can't be trusted, and the science behind it. In this module you’ll begin your mind-taming journey - this is where the magic happens.
After this module your life will literally never be the same.
MODULE 3: Triggers & the science of stressing less
You’ll learn all about what happens when we’re triggered, what your specific triggers are and where they came from, and what the devil to do when you find yourself flying off the handle because some guy cut you off in traffic. And how to switch off when you’re lying in bed seething at your neighbour for leaving their bins on your footpath.
MODULE 4: How to be confident you're on the right track
Learn the 3 languages of your gut instinct and how to train your brain to understand them again.
You'll get so clear on who you are and what really matters to you that you'll finally feel confident to make decisions that are right for you (a.k.a. not based on fear, people pleasing, or the opinion of Martha down the road.)
MODULE 5: Emotion ninja tricks
Ever been taken over by your emotions so rapidly that you lashed out accidentally, then kicked yourself for a week after? Ever wondered how you can stop freaking out and saying weird things in social situations, or how to manage jealousy, sadness, random biteyness and moods?
You’ll learn all about emotions, what they are, how your thoughts and your emotions work together, and what the bloody hell to do about it so you can become zen as a monk in the eye of a storm and feel like you’re finally one of those confident, calm and collected cucumbers.
MODULE 6: How to tame your mind. Also, that damn meditation thing...
Wondering how on earth you can stop your brain from thinking so that you can sit still for 30 seconds without jumping up to vacuum the house? Feel like meditation is for other folks? Not 100% sure how to feel buckets of joy anymore?
You’ll learn the ins and outs of meditation for practical people with busy minds that Just. Won’t. Stop. You’ll also learn how to get more joy out of daily life, and how to rein in your mind when it’s wandering to suspiciously unhelpful thoughts.
MODULE 7: The plastic brain & how to ditch negativity
Wondering how on earth you can stop your brain from thinking so that you can sit still for 30 seconds without jumping up to vacuum the house? Feel like meditation is for other folks? Not 100% sure how to feel buckets of joy anymore?
You’ll learn the ins and outs of meditation for practical people with busy minds that Just. Won’t. Stop. You’ll also learn how to get more joy out of daily life, and how to rein in your mind when it’s wandering to suspiciously unhelpful thoughts.
MODULE 8: How to stop procrastinating & other big questions
In this module we'll cover all the big guns - How to be more decisive, more creative, how to be less reactive, how to find your "self”, how to feel more joy, how to stop procrastinating, how to deal with overwhelm, how to stop self-sabotaging, how to be more confident, how to love yourself more, and how to handle any situation with swag. Whatever that is.
You’ll also learn the Tea Pot Trick for making decisions with ease, and get all the answers on how to piece together what we’ve learnt to answer the big questions in life. You’ll see how it all fits together like one giant puzzle of bloody goodness, and how you can use everything you’ve learnt to keep changing your life and the lives of those around you forever after.
BONUS #1: Sex & Mindfulness
In this bonus you'll learn:
- How “wearing the pants” in the relationship might be interfering with your sex drive and what to do about it
- The biggest revelations in my sex-journey and how they’ll enable you to build an amazing relationship from an entirely new perspective
- A comprehensive list of my favourite sex-related resources to kick off your sexual-self-development journey
- How to use sex as a mindfulness practice to get clear on your sense of self
By the end of it, you’ll have a completely different perspective on sex drive and intimacy that will kick start your exciting new sex life, whether you’re single or in a relationship!
BONUS #2: Yin yoga for practical folks
In this bonus video series, Jen Crescenzo (a world class yin yoga teacher and a practical, type A, achievement oriented, formerly highly strung human) discusses how to focus your attention so you can learn to manage strong reactions and negative emotions.
You’ll learn:
- How to reduce stress, anxiety, and snappy-trout syndrome with special exercises that I use on an almost daily basis - these work like a charm
- Comfort zone leaping techniques that will turn the discomfort that holds you back in life into excitement that will propel you to where you want to be
- Quick at-home yin yoga practices that will make your body AND mind much more flexible.
BONUS #3: My story
My personal story, from architecture, being stuck in indecision & pessimism, the dude that changed my life, roller coaster relationships, to vacuuming ceilings and how practicing mindfulness propelled me out of the water I was treading and into an unfathomably bloody good life.
My hope is that this bonus video will inspire you to see what's possible for your own life when you tame your mind.
What does the D.I.Y. program include?

8 mind-taming video modules
Learn all the mind-taming techniques you’ll ever need! 8 modules of bite-sized videos full of humour and relatable, engaging stories. No boring bits.

8 x Printable PDF Workbooks
Lifetime access to the program

Audio & Transcript Downloads
Tame your mind while on the train to work, walking your dog, or pretending to work ;)

Extra resources for every module
A carefully curated library of articles, videos and studies to back up each module and expand your knowledge!
Bloody Good Life (do-it-yourself)- Lifetime access to the Bloody Good Life program (8 modules over 10 weeks)
- Self paced, do-it-yourself program
- 8 x fortnightly coaching sessions
- Email support between sessions
- 6 monthly payments of 126 AUD or 10% discount when you pay in full
BGL 1:1
Bloody Good Life 1:1 coaching- Lifetime access to the Bloody Good Life program (8 modules over 4 months)
- 8 x fortnightly coaching sessions
- Email support between sessions
- I'm here every step of the way to support you to get clear as country air on what's next for you, and walk alongside you with warmth, humour and encouragement 😊
- 4 monthly payments of 447 AUD or save 15% if you pay in full

I feel clearer and calmer. BGL is a small price to pay for what you gain from it!
I felt stuck in every way, in my work, in my relationships, in my head. I overthought everything and actually felt that if I didn't do something about it I would go completely insane.
Now, I feel clearer, calmer and have a toolkit for life. You MUST do it! Thank you so much Andrea!!
Samantha, Social worker, UK
Since BGL I have a sense of calm inside me and it feels amazing.
I was constantly snapping at my partner, blaming him for stuff that wasn't his fault and saying hurtful things to him, then IMMEDIATELY regretting it but not being able to calm myself down enough to apologise.
Since BGL, I have a sense of calm inside me and it feels amazing. I have learnt so much from Andrea and the program, I would recommend everyone in the world do it. It is absolutely life-changing and so worth the time and the effort.
Amy, Payroll, AUS
You’re one step away from making the best decision you’ve ever made!
BGL D.I.Y. is inspirational and empowering.
I was lacking a sense of purpose in life, and was feeling inadequate following a break-up.
BGL D.I.Y. has helped me to get less caught up in other people's' stress at work, I feel more objective, which helps me to manage my own stress, and it has given me confidence to know that I'm ok as I am.
Elizabeth, Speech Therapist, UK
(Click the + for more info)
How is BGL different from all the other mindfulness stuff out there?
BGL is an unconventional mind-taming program developed specifically for practical, indecisive, busy people, using a blend of science, storytelling, humour, and relatable personal examples. It's fun, and easy-to-implement.
“Working with another mindfulness teacher highlighted to me what a gem your course was! There are SO MANY PEOPLE in the space teaching mind-transformation and you truly brought the perfect mixture of humility, research, pragmatism and level-headedness to this.” - Dalit, Lawyer
There are many mindfulness courses out there, but they can often be:
- Floaty and impractical (= tough to implement)
- Very dry (snoozefest!)
- Taught by confused folks who see themselves as a wise guru and you as the inferior student (such bollocks!)
- Taught by spiritual masters who talk in high-level concepts that are not particularly relatable (not your jam at all, right?)
BGL is the opposite -- practical, fun, REAL, down-to-earth and super relatable!
Can I complete the program at my own pace?
All good, BGL is a do-it-yourself program with lifetime access, so you can complete the program in your own time.
Many participants report that they keep coming back to the modules months and even years after the first time they completed the program and learn something new every time!
How much time do I need to set aside each week?
1-2 hours per week
- 45 minutes to watch the video trainings every week
- 1 hr to read the resources, fill in the workbooks & practice the techniques
We’ve had busy Mums, hectic entrepreneurs and CEOs do this program and they’ve all been able to make time and get massive benefits.
Is BGL relevant for men and non-binary people, or just women?
For sure, we welcome and love working with people of all genders, orientations, ages, and races. This is a safe, non-judgemental and inclusive environment in which to learn to tame your mind.
While 80% of BGL participants identify as women, many men have also completed the BGL 1:1 program and loved it - I've worked with 21yo school leavers to 75yo old grandfathers.
Why Andrea?
“Andrea is the most genuine, caring, and open person it has been my pleasure to connect and work with. One thing that struck me from the beginning is her integrity and also bravery at being honest that she is a human being and not a fictional persona created simply to sell a course.
It’s also very clear that Andrea is well read in her field and will signpost you to relevant articles and resources that provide you with the WHY and HOW.” - Rachel, UK
“I really liked the fact that Andrea was able to convey complex things like 'mindfulness' in a very relatable way, she takes it in manageable steps which makes it much easier to understand.” - Paula, NZ
I’ve coached hundreds of people through the Bloody Good Life program over the past decade, and I practice what I preach, daily! I was unhappy, cynical, unclear, and stuck before I learnt the skills in the BGL program. I'm a living, breathing example of how radically these skills can change your life (which is why I quit my career in architecture to become a mindfulness coach!)
I'm no bullshit, I don't take myself too seriously, and you'll find that we laugh and have a lot of fun in our coaching sessions.
I've trained with Professor Craig Hassed (OAM), world renowned mindfulness teacher and medical doctor, and completed additional training with Eckhart Tolle, Dan Siegel, and Jack Kornfield.
I also run corporate mindfulness & wellbeing workshops for Smiling Mind, one of the top mindfulness educators in the world, and I work with Dr Craig Hassed, teaching mindfulness to our future doctors at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia
My mind is so busy - I tried meditation & I sucked. Is this program still for me?
Absolutely, almost everyone who does the BGL program has this perception before we start! The busier your mind, the more life chancing you'll find mindfulness. You'll learn a new way of practicing that will make it a lot easier.
The BGL program is NOT focussed on meditation, we primarily explore the life-changing daily mind-taming and emotion regulation techniques that I learnt years before I ever learnt to meditate.
When does the program start?
The BGL D.I.Y. program kicks off as soon as you sign up - you're sent the intro module immediately, and the modules are released and emailed to you every week from the date you start.
I already know about mindfulness & I meditate with an app. Is this program still for me?
Mindfulness and meditation are not the same thing... so if you’ve been using an app like Headspace or Calm, you’ve dipped your toe in (nice one!).
We've had many BGL participants who were already mindfulness and/or yoga teachers and/or had completed an MBSR course, and they all rave about the BGL program and say it helped them understand how to tame their mind on a more relatable, personal level so that they could finally experience lasting changes.
Should I sign up for BGL D.I.Y??!
Wellllll yes, but I'm biased! Only you can decide if the program feels like a good fit for you.
If you're unsure, listen to your gut instinct, it knows best. If you feel excited but nervous - you’re on the right track! If you're unsure how to tune into your gut instinct, that's one of the many things you'll learn in the BGL program.
What if it doesn't work for me? Can I trial the program?
If you're not happy, I'm not happy. If the program is just not floating your boat in the first 30 days from your date of purchase, just let us know why and we will refund your money in full. Check out our refund policy here.
BGL is the best bloody thing I have tried yet!
I was feeling unsettled, lacking confidence and suffering from low self-esteem. I wasn’t happy in my job or my relationships. I've spent years reading self-help books, trying meditation and yoga but BGL is the best bloody thing I have tried yet!!
It seriously changed my life!! I'm much more relaxed and calm, seriously reduced my stress and anxiety, improved my relationships and I am experiencing more joy in my life.
Rosie, QLD
I am feeling a massive increase in self-esteem and happiness
I would find myself getting all lost in emotions. I was going at 100 mph without knowing why I was doing things and I wasn't doing what I wanted to be doing for me.
BGL has made me feel so much better equipped to deal with life, love and everything that comes with it. I am feeling a massive increase in self-esteem and happiness. I’d recommend this course to absolutely everyone!
Jen, Sustainability lecturer, UK
It. Was. Incredible.
Life changing, insightful, fun and has changed the way I will be and think forever. The course has been truly brilliant. Andrea is inspirational, honest and a total breath of fresh air.
BGL is life changing, it's a real journey- if I could recommend another human to do one course it would be this one. The whole course is amazingly guided, well informed and fun all at once. Brilliant.
Rachel, Conservationist, UK
Unsure if Bloody Good Life is right for you?
It can be tough to decide on a program when you’re an indecisive badger...
If you’re fed up with feeling stuck, and keen to see yourself:
- Clearing out some of that overthinking and self doubt so you can get clear as country air on your next steps...
- Feeling confident that you're on the right track (no more overthinking the bejaysus out of every decision)...
- Managing challenging emotions like a pro so you can *actually* take action on things that matter to you...
- Feeling that warm glowing feeling that comes from living a life that is authentic to YOU (not Karen from accounts)
I wholeheartedly believe that the skills you'll learn in Bloody Good Life are essential life skills that will help you achieve all of the above.
Go with your gut. If you feel excited & nervous at the same time, it's often a sign that you’re on the right track.
Ps - if you're considering the 1:1 coaching option, feel free to book a free chat with me here. No pressure to sign up after our chat, just a relaxed conversation to see if we're a good fit for coaching together.
Bloody Good Life (do-it-yourself)- Lifetime access to the Bloody Good Life program (8 modules over 10 weeks)
- Self paced, do-it-yourself program
- 8 x fortnightly coaching sessions
- Email support between sessions
- 6 monthly payments of 126 AUD or 10% discount when you pay in full
BGL 1:1
Bloody Good Life 1:1 coaching- Lifetime access to the Bloody Good Life program (8 modules over 4 months)
- 8 x fortnightly coaching sessions
- Email support between sessions
- I'm here every step of the way to support you to get clear as country air on what's next for you, and walk alongside you with warmth, humour and encouragement 😊
- 4 monthly payments of 447 AUD or save 15% if you pay in full

Trial it out risk free...
It's really important to me that you love the Bloody Good Life program and get wonderful benefits out of it,
So we offer a 30 day refund guarantee.
Try out the Bloody Good Life D.I.Y. program, and if you aren't happy with it, just email us within 30 days with why you're unsatisfied and you'll get a full refund, no loop holes.
If it's not right for you, I'd much rather refund you so you can find something that's a better fit for you.