
My New Boyfriend is an App

Most Popular Posts, Relationships & Sex

Ah shit, ????‍♀️ I got totally caught up in my Bumble dating rampage and forgot to come back to you with the detailsssss of the big sale going on over at Project Self HQ! AKA my desk that is actually a door from Bunnings.

And yes, this is my Bumble profile picture. ????

Sheesh. This app = my new boyfriend, he’s unhealthily addictive.

Now look, I know as well as the next indecisive overachiever, it can be bizarrely, privilegedly hard when you have too many choices.

…Do you go on a date with the guy who’s building himself a campervan, but he’s a rigger, so may not be the most intellectually stimulating conversationalist?

…Do you go on a date with the guy who’s profile says he is a fintech founder, but actually he’s an Uber driver who is *working on* his fin tech startup? Also has long hair and… you’re not so sure how you feel about that yet…

… Do you go on a date with the guy whose profile is basically written for you by the Bumble gods, (hello, guy who loves camping, FWDing, kitesurfing, mindfulness and jiu-jitsu… not that I know what that is)… but who doesn’t really seem that into it and takes days to reply to each message?

… Or do you go on more dates with the guy who’s more-or-less everything you want in a dude…

but for some inexplicable reason, there’s Just. No. Chemistry!

It’s tough, this choice conundrum.

So to make your life easier, you’re welcome, I’ve narrowed down your options into three bloody excellent options...

(Oh, sorry, you thought I meant for Bumble dating? I meant for the life changing programs that you can get 20% off for just another few days!)

Ok, so those options I mentioned (Don’t forget to use the coupon 20ISBETTERTHAN19 at checkout to get 20% off!)


Bloody Good Life 1:1 – an in-depth, fun, and life changing 4 month 1:1 coaching program with me to help you get unstuck, get clear on your direction, kick the overthinking, and build your confidence. You’ll be working directly with me with lots of laughs and fun.

If you’re serious about making change this year, and keen to get confident on where you’re heading and how to get yourself there, BGL 1:1 is your woman!

BGL 1:1 is the most comprehensive and effective way to make change in your life. There are approximately 1,000,000 testimonials here, but Heather’s recent email sums them all up beautifully, and is VERY nice for me to read over and over like a narcissist at a selfie convention:

“I also want to say you’re such a beautiful person Andrea, I’m so grateful to have experienced BGL with you. It really was a game changer for me. Your way of communicating is so authentic and you made the whole experience fun –

Imagine being able to address your shit while giggling for a good portion of the hour – I didn’t think that would be possible!

I kind of quite like me now. It’s pretty epic that you’re helping to make the world a better place person by person. Thank you!” – Heather, NZ

Thank you Heather, you absolute legend!

Click here to check out BGL 1:1 before the 20% sale runs out!


Bloody Good Life D.I.Y. – the same epic program as Bloody Good Life 1:1, just without the individual guidance and support from me. It’s a 10 week do-it-yourself version of the program to help you learn to tame your overthinking mind so you can get clear on your direction and confident in your decisions.

BGL DIY is great for you if you know you’re good at motivating yourself and just want to start practicing all the life-changing techniques, stat.


Nail Your Values & Passions – a short, punchy, 3 module do-it-yourself program to help you get crystal clear on what fulfills and lights you up, so that you can go after your passions with conviction and stop comparing yourself to everyone else.

You’ll get clear on YOUR unique values – the things that will make sure you know when you’re on track, and will help you

filter out all the crap so you can stop panda-ing to what everyone else wants from you,

and feel excited with what you’re doing this year!

NYVP is also great for self starters who are self motivated.

Psstt – Don’t forget to use the coupon 20ISBETTERTHAN19 at checkout to get 20% off!

If you’re still like *ARGHHH the choices are burning my eyes* but you’re pretty sure you need one or all of these programs, email me back with where you’re at, let’s chat about what will be best for you!

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