Mindfulness for Practical people

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Mind going flat stick? Can't switch off after work?

Meditation 101

The aim of meditation is NOT to be calm and relaxed, though this is a common misconception. The aim is simply to observe your experience with curiosity, openness and non-judgement, and to become skilled at noticing when your mind wanders off, then non-judgmentally returning your attention back to the present moment, over and over.

This is a practice - we’re changing a deeply ingrained habit of mind wandering. Practicing mindfulness doesn’t always feel pleasant or easy, just like going to the gym. Even if mindfulness feels difficult at the time (which is likely when you're first starting out), you’ll reap the benefits later!

Responding vs Reacting


"I’ve known a great many troubles in my life, but most of them never happened"

- Mark Twain

“No one can harm you more than a mind untrained. Nothing can help you more that a trained mind”

- Siddhartha Gautama

"We don't meditate to get better at meditating, we meditate to get better at life"

- Sharon Salzberg

To app or not to app?

You definitely don’t need an app to meditate, but they can make good “training wheels” while you’re learning.

The app I recommend most highly is 10% Happier - meditation for fidgety skeptics.

Click here to get a 30 day free trial.

There are many other great free and paid mindfulness-based apps including Headspace, Smiling Mind (best for kids), Insight Timer, and Buddhify.

Be aware that many meditation apps are NOT mindfulness based - any meditations that have music in the background, encourage you to relax, visualise, or repeat a mantra are likely not mindfulness based.

(Many of them are still great forms of meditation, they just won't train your brain in the way we discussed in the workshop, and you won't get the same benefits as the mindfulness research demonstrates)

10% Happier Book

Highly recommend - very interesting and easy read about Dan Harris' time as a news anchor in war zones and his sceptical take on meditation

Time Well Spent/ Centre for Humane Tech

Fascinating website about addiction technology, the impact of social media and smart phones, and practical strategies for becoming less addicted to our smart phones!

Click here to become less addicted to your smart phone!

Screenshot from their site:


"Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom."

- Viktor Frankl

“If you are depressed you are living in the past. If you are anxious you are living in the future. If you are at peace you are living in the present”

- Lao Tzu

"You can't stop the waves but you can learn to surf"

- Jon Kabat-Zinn

The Negativity Bias

The negativity bias is the innate tendency of the brain to focus more readily on negatives than positives.

@theawkwardyeti on Instagram

Book: Stolen Focus

An enjoyable and fascinating book about the attention crisis we’re facing by Johann Hari

More quotes...

"Man is not disturbed by events but by the view he takes of them.”

- Epictetus

“Happiness doesn't depend on any external conditions, it is governed by our mental attitude.”

- Dale Carnegie

“True happiness is... to enjoy the present, without anxious dependence upon the future.”

- Seneca

Book: Lost Connections

If you experience anxiety or depression, or know someone who does (or even if you don't!), I cannot recommend the book Lost Connections, by Johann Hari more highly. It's a fascinating, enjoyable and empowering read.

You can also check out Johann Hari's TedX talk here, or search his podcast interviews - I particularly liked this interview with Johann and Dax Shepard, here.

Know anyone who'd benefit from an unconventional mindfulness workshop at their workplace?

You legend! I'd love if you could share my corporate website with them here: andreafeatherstone.com

Free programs....

6 Days to Decisiveness Challenge


A free 6 day video series that will teach you unconventional mind-taming tricks to help you make decisions & find your direction.

Click here to sign up for the challenge →

How to stop a bad day in its tracks

Download the free bloody good g-book. Because we've all had enough of e-books

Everyone has experienced bad days when everything goes wrong from the very morning. It is important to learn how to stop the negativity and get back into a positive frame of mind. Ways to cope with a bad mood include meditation, exercise and even a simple walk in the fresh air. However, there are some more unusual methods that can be a real eye-opener.
One such method is a hobby that distracts you from negative thoughts and brings pleasure. For example, online gaming. An interesting option is a legal online casino in Germany. It allows you to immerse yourself in excitement and distract yourself from problems. In addition, the game can become not only entertainment, but also a way to earn money.
At https://psychosoziales-adressbuch-krefeld.de/ you can learn more about legal online casino gaming in Germany in 2024. It can be a great way to switch gears and spend your time in a fun and rewarding way.
Bad days happen to everyone, but it's important to find your own way to cope. Some people are helped by meditation, others - physical activity, and for some a great way to distract and restore mental balance will be a game at online casinos. The main thing is to choose something that suits you and helps you to return good mood and peace of mind.